Daily Archives: October 13, 2009

Update 205. Severn Valley Railway Diesel Gala 2009

Two visiting locos, 47580 & 37264 from Tyseley, plus many of the home fleet were in action over the three days.

Unfortunately, trains could not use the loop at Hampton Loade, so trains were not very frequent north of Highley, but a local service ran between Kidderminster & Highley. So at the southern end of the line the trains ran at 40 minute intervals, which was actually a very good service. Trains at Bewdley used the island platform, enabling passengers to easily change trains if they so wished. At Arley there was also plenty of time to change trains – which pleased the diesel enthusiasts, as it gave plenty of opportunity to travel behind a greater number of locos.

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Difficult to choose which photo to show here……..

Update 204. Highley footbridge progress, 13/10/09

Trains are no longer running mid-week, so there was opportunity to continue the assembly of Highley footbridge. The sides for the main span of the footbridge were on a goods wagon at Highley during the diesel gala and were due to be lifted into place yesterday. The job for today was to assemble the staircase down onto the platform.

When we arrived the bridge looked complete, with all the metalwork in place, but on closer examination there were no steps on the east side and no walkway across the bridge. There were many planks of wood nearby, so still some work to be done.

20188 was the loco at Highley and the steam crane was also in action, at one point shunting some loaded wagons and the Class 20!

Link to photos from today

This how the bridge looks:-