Welcome to “Sharpo’s World”

of photos
and videos
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It would be great to have a proper index to all the photos and videos, but with photo galleries started in 2006 containing over 30,000 images and probably more than 3,000 videos on YouTube – and me not being very organised, it can only be described as a bit of a “mess”!

The 1st Coppermine gallery contained just about everything – trains, traction engines, cars, commercial vehicles etc.  but then I started a 2nd Coppermine gallery specifically for modern image trains on the main line. Unfortunately there are diesels and electrics in the first album, just to add to the confusion. Then in 2014 I started filming, so thousands of videos on YouTube as well. Oh, mustn’t forget KC’s gallery – our Border Terrier!

Finally my blog. That has been running for many years and does link to many of the photos added to the galleries and videos in YouTube, but not all. A long term ambition could be to reorganise the galleries and create an index to all the album’s, photos and videos – but just like my winter projects, will probably never be finished.

Other pages in this site are incomplete and disorganised. If I ever get lots of spare time the plan would be to create a more detailed index to the content of blog and galleries – but that is in the future.


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