Gallery 2. Photos of “Modern Trains”.

Go direct to Sharpo’s World Gallery 2 or continue to read about the gallery below. (Note, all links to gallery open in new tab.)

I’m trying to rebuild this gallery, removing the majority of steam loco photos and concentrating on diesels, electrics and units. Gallery 1 will include steam locos, road vehicles and just about everything else.

The photos will be divided into years, starting in 2002 when I bought my first, poor quality, digital camera. It’s a pity the photos aren’t too good for the first couple of years but so much has changed since then with many of the older locos being scrapped etc. not to mention all the livery changes.

I’m working on 2002 at the moment, it will be divided into four quarters.
2002-1 January – March. Completed.
2002-2 April – June. Working on this at the moment
2002-3 July – September. Just started this.
2002-4 October – December. Coming later.

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