This is posted to new server, the post will be deleted once everything “catches up” with a server change
Test post, changing to new server
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This is posted to new server, the post will be deleted once everything “catches up” with a server change
Just to see quality of image. It’s a 4K photo, copied from camcorder to mobile phone, cropped to 3 x 2 ratio, uploaded to blog from mobile, resized to 600 x 400 by blog software and then added to this post. 68kb in size and reasonable quality.
Click one of the following flags to read this blog in either French or German. Google Translate is used to translate the text, but not knowing other languages I do not know how accurate it is. Following links from this blog I believe the text in my photo galleries is also translated, but this is still in the experimental stage.
And for SVR forum members, a link to a French translation
Just testing, I’ll delete this later
What do we do with it?
Good question, only time will tell!