The last weekend in service for Erlestoke Manor before withdrawal for major overhaul, so thought I ought to go and see it one more time. Caught the train to Highley hauled by 7714, to wait for the Manor and film a few trains before heading back home. The four locos are all seen at Highley, plus 1501 & 43106 at Kidderminster.
Link to photos in gallery, smaller versions below:-
7714 departing from Highley. 30/12/17
43106 departing from Highley. 30/12/17
7812 token exchange at Highley. 30/12/17
1501 token exchange Highley. 30/12/17
43106 departing from Kidderminster. 30/12/17
1501 about to couple up to train at Kidderminster. 30/12/17