Before I started this blog in 2009 I had an old style web site which I used to link to photos in the galleries. That site hasn’t been touched for years and it would be useful to get rid of it, but there are various links to and from it which need to be amended. One thing it did do was link to updates in my Midlands gallery, so that was a good place to start. Many years ago I did start a list in this blog but the pages were not listed anywhere, as I concentrated on blog posts rather than site pages, and there was no index linking to the pages.
The first page with 20 links, dating back to 2007 and 2008, has now been updated. I know the photos are old but for me it is interesting to see some of the older units and their liveries.
The old Midlands album updates 1 – 20.
Now to start on the next 20……..