Daily Archives: January 1, 2025

Severn Valley Railway Winter Diesel Day part 2. 30/12/24.

Up on the footbridge for the rest of my time at Kidderminster. It was very windy and not easy filming towards the sun when facing south, it was very bright and low in the sky.

This link will show all the Diesel Day photos in the gallery.

Here are the next set of photos:-

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Severn Valley Railway Winter Diesel Day part 1. 30/12/24.

Caught the train to Kidder, good job – as car park at SVR station was full, cars everywhere as some of the photos will probably show. I’d checked the timetable and made a list of locos running, if I could get there in time to see the 10.20 departure, by 13.55 I would’ve seen all the locos/trains running, except the 37. The forecast was cloudy, thought I’d give the footbridge a miss, but it turned out to be a very sunny day and being at track level meant a lot of filming was into the sun, so ended up on the footbridge.

Locos booked to run:- 1450 steam – for heating, D1015, D9551, 20048, 20205, 33108, 37263, 40106, 46045, 50035, DMU & HST. All can be seen in action, except the 37, which was stabled at the buffer stop on one of the platforms all the time I was there.

Here are the photos taken before going on the footbridge:-

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Happy New Year, it’s 2025.

Over a year since my last post. Wonder how many I’ll manage this year??

Unfortunately I can’t get out for long these days, not that there is a lot to see around here. I did get to Kidderminster for the Winter Diesel Day and will sort out a video or two soon, time permitting. Due to lack of filming in recent months I have been spending time cropping frames from videos to add photos to my galleries. It’s a bit of fun, never seem to have time to watch old videos, but it’s easier & quicker to glance at a few photos of events in years gone by.

I’ve uploaded a few hundred photos starting from January 2023 and will try and start posting them here. It may be easier for some people to view them here rather than looking at my galleries. There were lots of interesting stock moves, units to scrap yard in South Wales etc. but doubt if there will be much of interest around here in the next few months, no railtours etc.

That’s enough of my waffling for now, I’ll post some of the Diesel Day photos here soon, along with a link to the gallery.