Contact form


(Visited 266 times)

16 thoughts on “Contact form

  1. D.J. Andrews

    Thanks for all these updates. Keep up the good work even if some people moan
    about the repetition of location. Sometimes the background is interesting i.e
    the two vintage buses.
    SVR websites are a joke regarding any news for enthusiasts.
    SVR Diesels Facebook is not accessible to Joe public at the moment.
    As for any news on steam workshops at Bridgnorth this has been
    non existent for many years.

    In my book the Gloucs/Warks Blogs are the best for keeping enthusiasts informed.

  2. Thomas


    I like trains – great collection! I‘m using coppermine gallery as well. Can you let me know where you got the lightbox extension? I‘m searching and am browsing the support forums with no luck.



  3. Sharpo Post author

    Thomas, sorry if I didn’t reply. Got so involved in a house move there was no time for anything else. I do remember a question about coppermine but not sure if it was you. Did you get the lightbox extension installed?


  4. Sharpo Post author

    Tom, sorry if I hadn’t replied, house move messed up the last 6 months for me. I do remember a question about one of my photos at the EWR. Was it all sorted in the end??


  5. Ian Budd

    I produce the members’ magazine for the Friends of the Far North Line. We have an article for the September issue about a Royal Train trip from Invershin to Manchester in June 1966. The saloon No 798 was in the train and I found your pictures featuring the coach before it was moved into The Engine House. Specifically I’d love to get your permission to use the photo headed FILE 286/714 if you would agree.
    Yours hopefully,
    Ian Budd

  6. Ian Budd

    Hello again. I’m just about to go to print with our magazine, as mentioned in earlier comment. I don’t like using photos without permission but my copy date is tomorrow. I’ll credit your photo “copyright Sharpo’s World” unless you give me permission and send better credit details.
    If you don’t want me to use it please let me know today!
    Sorry about this…
    Best wishes,

  7. Sharpo Post author

    Sorry Ian, had a very busy summer and no time for the blog. I’ll try & pay more attention in future, not so much to do in the garden now winter is coming.

  8. Sharpo Post author

    I’m sorry again, as I put in other reply to you. If you find anything else you wish to use in future & I don’respond – just use it. I think all my photos have my copyright text across the top anyway, it’s not as if they’re of any great financial value!!!

  9. Quentin McGuinness

    I have seen several of your photos of loco 5199 taken on its Only visit to the SVR, in 2006. I am the Project Manager for the Locomotive and wondered if we could use the photos for our 5199 Facebook and website pages. There are very few photos of that visit. It double headed with 5164 but I have only ever seen one photo of that occurrence. Do you know any other photographers that might of taken pics at that Spring 2006 gala?
    Kind regards,
    Quentin McGuinness

  10. Alberico Duarte

    I would like to know if it is possible to get one of the pictures from Portugal in bigger size?
    I was interest in a tank wagon on the background and wanted to check the number.
    Kind regards

  11. Tim Heeks

    Hey, just came across this whilst looking for photos of the Avonvale Model Engineering Society – great site!
    My dad, who passed away a few weeks ago, was a founding member of Avonvale MES, and there are some photos on here of him driving one of hos locos there…just wondered if there’s any chance we could get copies of them?
    If that’s ok, let me know and I can tell you which ones are of him.
    Thanks very much, Tim

  12. Sharpo Post author

    Sorry for taking so long to reply Alberico. Can you tell me which photo it is and I will have a look for the original.

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