2018 Photos |
Just a few "photos" cropped from videos uploaded to YouTube. If I had the time, there would be hundreds more photos added here!!
Random files - Severn Valley Railway albums for 2018 (mostly videos) |

D3022. Kidderminster. 01/04/18Shunting stock from the "Limited" dining train

1450. Kidderminster. 20/09/18

46100. Kidderminster. 17/09/18

43106. Safari Park curve. 23/09/18

Cats. Kidderminster. 28/10/18

50007 and 50049. Kidderminster. 22/07/18

40145. Kidderminster. 02/08/18

40145 and 40106. Kidderminster. 02/08/18

2857, 46100 and 50035. Kidderminster. 17/09/18

46100. Kidderminster. 17/09/18