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Home > Severn Valley Railway albums for 2015 > SVR - 25th May

Arley, photos & videos. 25/05/15.

I was only there long enough to see 3 of the locos working services. First to arrive was 34053, but this was booked to cross with 34027 & I managed to get both locos together in a video. The other loco I saw was 55019 on the diesel turn.

This update is also an experiment - I rarely use a camera these days and miss seeing the photos being added to the galleries, so I am taking a screen shot from a video & using it as a photo. The quality is not as good as a photo from a camera but is a simple and quick way to record what was seen. Link to YouTube playlist

34053Arley. 25/05/15
YouTube video of 34053 arriving
34053Arley. 25/05/15
YouTube video of 34053 arriving
34053 & 34027Arley. 25/05/15. My first photo of the 2 locos together
YouTube video of 34027 passing 34053
34053Arley. 25/05/15
YouTube video of 34053 departing
55019Arley. 25/05/15
YouTube video of 55019 arriving & departing
55019Arley. 25/05/15
YouTube video of 55019 arriving & departing
6 files on 1 page(s)