SVR 22nd July, 2857 is back in service |
2857 was working service trains yesterday, double-heading with 4566, but today it was on its own. I headed to Bewdley for some photos & a ride to Highley. There was just time to get over the footbridge to take some more photos of the train as it headed towards Hampton Loade. According to the SVR web site, it should be working one of the service trains Monday to Friday, next week.
SVR 22nd July
2857Bewdley. 22/07/11
First day in service on its own since overhaul
2857Bewdley. 22/07/11
First day in service on its own since overhaul
2857Bewdley. 22/07/11
First day in service on its own since overhaul
2857Highley. 22/07/11
First day in service on its own since overhaul
2857Highley. 22/07/11
First day in service on its own since overhaul
2857Highley. 22/07/11
First day in service on its own since overhaul
2857Highley. 22/07/11
First day in service on its own since overhaul