Category Archives: Severn Valley Railway

Old photos, 34053, 5164 and 50135, Arley 27/05/13

Thinking it would be easy working through old videos to add to the index, I have just come across a day when none of the photos were added to my gallery. They have now been added and can be seen below

Photos below suitable for mobile or tablet. Larger photos in gallery.

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Old Video Index, D8059, 2857 and 34053 Arley, 19/05/13 (also 5164 and 7812)

I’m trying to set up a basic format for posts when adding to the Old Video Index. I reckon the heading above should work, as it shows locos in the videos, the place, date and also other locos seen in photos. It should be more useful than the original blog post in 2013.

The post in this blog will just give the essentials, then if a reader isn’t interested they don’t waste time downloading images. The link will take you to the full details, or at least what I can remember. Time will tell how successful it is.

Link to page in Video Index

Sorry about all the messing about earlier with a link that didn’t show properly, I understand why now!

Trying to index my first videos from 2013, should be amusing!!

My first videos weren’t brilliant, but as us oldies aren’t supposed to go out and about at the moment I’ve decided to try to make some sort of list of the older videos and to link to any photos from that day. YouTube used to “search” much better than it does now and I can’t always find what I’m looking for – and with over 4,000 videos it’s a big task!!!

The videos from 2013 were filmed with an SLR camera, which wasn’t very easy. Don’t expect them to be “fantastic”, were your first videos good? Obviously lots of shots of locos now moved away, out of service etc. as in these photos at Arley. I’m looking forward to working my way through them – some good memories I’m sure. Anyway, the first is at Arley on 19/05/13, give it a try, you can play the videos and view the photos:-

Link to videos of D8059, 2857 and 34053.

Photos and Video, 1450, 7714 and 75069, Bridgnorth 14/03/20 part 1

At last, the chance to see some steam trains. As the Kidderminster end of the line has had no trains since December it has not been so easy to see any. Anyway, I had a drive to Bridgnorth to see the 3 locos in action and this is the first of the two videos.

Link to YouTube video or link to photos in gallery.

Photos below suitable for mobile or tablet. Larger photos in gallery as above.

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Photos and Video, 60163, 34027 etc. Kidderminster 10/11/19 (old event)

My train arrived just before 68014 was due to depart with a London train, then seen at the SVR were 7714, 60163, 43106 and 34027, not forgetting the friendly black cat!

Link to YouTube video or link to photos in gallery.

Photos below suitable for mobile or tablet. Larger photos in gallery as above.

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Photos and Video, 34027 and 7714, Kidderminster 03/11/19 (old event)

Called in at Kidderminster and saw 34027 & 7714 working the trains.

Link to YouTube video or link to photos in gallery.

Photos below suitable for mobile or tablet. Larger photos in gallery as above.

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Photos and Video, 67004 & 67006 etc. Kidderminster 16/11/19 (old event)

A railtour from London arrives at the Severn Valley Railway behind 67004 and 67006. Other locos seen are 34027, 7714 and 6960, not forgetting 172217 trundling past.

Link to YouTube video or link to photos in gallery.

Photos below suitable for mobile or tablet. Larger photos in gallery as above.

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Photos and Videos, 5 diesels, Kidderminster 23/12/19

Another post for the above date, this time showing each of the diesels seen running. I had seen there was an ecs working to Bridgnorth so made sure I was there to see that, always good to see a class 37.

Link to YouTube playlist or link to photos in gallery.

Photos below suitable for mobile or tablet. Larger photos in gallery as above.

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Photos and Videos, 43106, 75069 and 34027, Kidderminster 23/12/19

The photos were uploaded to my gallery yesterday, this posting will have the links to the 2 videos and include photos of the 3 steam locos. Another posting will show the 5 diesel locos

Link to YouTube video playlist or link to photos in gallery.

Photos below suitable for mobile or tablet. Larger photos in gallery as above.

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Photos, 3 steam & 5 diesel, Kidderminster 23/12/19

21 photos added to my gallery, too many to show all of them in a blog post.

They were filmed in the following order – 13201, 37688, 43106, 50049, 75069, 40106, 34027 and 33108, also the Coalyard Miniature Railway. I will add another post tomorrow with the link to the 2 videos and include a photo of each loco seen. Not enough time to get it all done today.

Photos and Video, 6960, 43106, 37688 and 40106, Kidderminster 28/12/19

This is the last day of service trains from Kidderminster SVR until April due to engineering work on Falling Sands viaduct. During the next 3 months when trains are booked to run it will just be between Bewdley and Bridgnorth. Three trains were in service, the diesel service being top and tailed with 40106 providing steam heat. The new main line station is nearer to completion than the last time I saw it but I’m not sure when it is due to open.

Link to YouTube video or link to photos in gallery.

Photos below suitable for mobile or tablet. Larger photos in gallery as above.

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A few photos at Kidderminster 28/12/19

I didn’t have time to write the standard blog page and add the photos and link to video but in an attempt to make more frequent postings, here are the photos just uploaded in the gallery. Will try to post a proper page tomorrow, but in the meantime you can see them in my gallery.

Locos are 6960, 43106, 37688 and 40106, also the new Kidderminster station but still under construction.

Link to gallery