Monthly Archives: March 2010

Update 306. Statfold Barn Railway Open Day, 27/03/10

I’ve started sorting the photos and will be uploading in small batches. The ones from later in the day will be added first, so if you call back in a day or two the newer ones will be at the front of the album, depending of course on the order you set them to be displayed.

Once all the photos are uploaded a few comments will be added, so in the meantime – enjoy the photos.

Link to photos

Line up of all 11 locos in steam:-

Just replaced the belt on my old Hotpoint 9306 tumble dryer

It packed up a couple of days ago, the fan worked & it blew hot air – but the drum didn’t turn. Must be the belt or drive motor, I thought. Should be easy to fix, says he hopefully! Took the back off, saw a fan, but no sign of a drive belt. I was stumped!

Searched the internet, others had asked how to replace the belt, but there were no answers as to how it was done. So, find more screws to undo & have a poke around. In the end, I only managed to access the “insides” by easing open the whole front of the dryer & having a look inside. I could see the drive for the belt was taken from the shaft which also drove the fan. Fortunately I was able to get a replacement belt & with much struggling managed to fit the belt round the drum and tension pulleys and onto the drive shaft.

Turning the fan blades by hand showed that the drum would also rotate again, then put it all back together, finally, plug in, light blue touch paper & retire (no, forget that bit) meant to say – turn timer to start it & hope it works.

Yes, it now works. Belt was £8 and considerably cheaper than a new tumble dryer!

I’m trying a sitemap for the “pages” on the blog

The standard sitemap only lists the “posts”, but a plugin is available which can be set to list “pages”.

Hopefully this will be useful, but as with the other sitemap – I don’t know if it automatically updates itself.

Sitemap of “pages” in this blog

The above links to a page, but I’ll include the list here as well:-

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Link pages from web site to “Midlands” gallery

I’m quite good at uploading photos to galleries, but can never keep the accompanying web site pages updated. So perhaps it is time to move away from the old style sites and add the pages to this blog instead. It looks like it will be quicker & easier for me to use the blog and hopefully just as easy for visitors browsing through the pages.

So, as I only started this a day or two ago there has not been much progress, only the first few albums are listed, but you can see how it is progressing from the link below:-

Link to album list

SVR 21st March

Decent weather, so we headed for Arley with KC. First train we saw was 43106 heading for Kidderminster just before 11.38. At the station, 7802 arrived on Driver Experience, then 5164 on the 12.10 for Bridgnorth. The Diner arrived behind 7812 & finally 42968 from Bridgnorth, both trains due out around 12.55/12.56
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SVR 20th March

I wasn’t paying attention today, eating my lunch in the buffet when 7802 arrived at Bewdley on Driver Experience. Then I was caught out supping my tea as 5164 arrived with a train from Bridgnorth, earlier than I expected. The other train I saw was hauled by 43106, now facing Bridgnorth.

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Update 305. 61994 Great Marquess passing Old Hill, 16/03/10

After appearing at the SVR Reunion Gala, 61994 returned to Crewe today, and is seen climbing through Old Hill. Almost messed up the shots as the camera was set to timer – something that often happens when I fumble around in cold weather, and I can’t see the camera settings without glasses.

Link to photos

Interesting lighting effects, but the footbridge did cast some shadow

I’m relieved these photos came out, as the rest of the day was a disaster – the shunt at The Engine House was cancelled & the “nuke” ran via the Lickey instead of Cradley, where I was waiting.

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