Monthly Archives: February 2020

Photos, just units, Stafford part 2 04/12/19 (old event)

Just realised I haven’t edited the videos that go with these photos yet, so busy with other things last week!! A lot of “new numbers” to add to my list, which was started a few months ago. There will be more unit photos to add to another post from this date, as time permits.

Link to all photos from this date in gallery.

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Photos and Video, 37403, Rowley Regis 26/02/20

37403 back again the following day, had to try another location and went to Rowley Regis. I was pleased to see it stop briefly at the station, looked like a staff shuffle around between Caroline and the loco, then of course the nice sound of it pulling away.

Link to YouTube video or link to photos in gallery.

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Photos and Video, 37403 and Caroline, Cradley Heath 25/02/20

Still catching up on recent posts, This was a much better result than the one with the 56 a couple of days earlier as the speed was slower, it came out well.

Link to YouTube video or link to photos in gallery.

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KC has some teeth out!!

We’ve never managed to keep her teeth clean and plaque was taking its toll. About 7 years ago she had to spend a day at the vet for a descale and nearly 7 years later the time had come again. At a recent check up with the vet, it was pointed out that her breath was very bad, we did know!! She was then booked in for another descale.

When we collected her in the afternoon the vet showed us three teeth that had to be removed. One did look very bad with a hole through the side of it. Fortunately she didn’t look too upset and as soon as she was back home she was eating her food. Her mouth obviously wasn’t causing her any problems following the removal of the 3 teeth.

Feb 25th post, not what was planned…..

So far this year I had managed a posting on every day, but things don’t always go to plan!!!

There was a problem with my websites and all access had to be stopped until the problems were solved. I could access them but nobody else would be able to view them until the problem was solved. I obviously didn’t waste time posting as other things were more important but now I can start to fill in the missing dates. Nothing interesting in this post but things are working again.

Photos, just units, Stafford part 1 04/12/19 (old event)

It gets a bit boring and time comsuming with all these unit photos but it’ll be something to look back at in years to come as liveries change and stock is replaced. in this part 20 photos will be added, with more to follow in later posts. All unit photos from this date will show in the same album in the gallery, so there will be plenty of them.

Link to YouTube video or link to photos in gallery.

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Photos and Video, 56091, Cradley Heath 23/02/20

Worth a walk down the station, but just starting to spit with rain as the train was due, and blowing into the lens. 0Z56 Bristol – Preston and it must be my shortest video!!

Link to YouTube video or link to photos in gallery.

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Video, just units, Stafford part 1 04/12/19 (old event)

Still trying to clear the backlog of unit videos, this time from a visit to Stafford in December. I’ll have to do another post tomorrow with the photos as I haven’t cropped them yet. Hopefully there will be a few different numbers to those from my November visit. Will know more  tomorrow.

Link to YouTube video.

Photos and Video, 68004 and 88005, Cradley Heath 20/02/20

The sun was shining and I thought I’d have a wander down the station to see the Berkeley, as it had an 88 on it. As I waited another train arrived with 153334 and 153365 on the rear, so I filmed them as well. Not brilliant as there’s not much room on that platform and the lamp posts don’t help. Tossed a coin, into the sun or from the other platform – always a gamble, but at least the unit was part way down the platform and didn’t block too much of the view.

Had though of going to Old Hill, but the stopper was cancelled – crew shortage or something like that.

Link to YouTube video or link to photos in gallery.

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Photos, 56091, 66715 and units, Droitwich 18/02/20 part 2

Following on from the previous post, a few more photos at Bromsgrove before returning to Droitwich to see the other working to Long Marston. I enjoyed cropping the photos of trains at Droitwich, it’s a nice location.

List of numbers:- 323240, 323203, 170110, 153375, 172005, 172003, 170502, 153364 and 66715.

Link to other photos in gallery.

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Photos, 56091, 66715 and units, Droitwich 18/02/20 part 1

The link to the video was posted yesterday and as there are 26 photos I’ll split those into two blog posts. The ones below start at Droitwich but are followed by a few at Bromsgrove.

Numbers seen:- 172339, 56091, 170634, 172340, 172339, 153371, 170510, 170631, 170505, 323203.

Link to all photos in gallery.

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