Monthly Archives: March 2014

Update 891. Videos of Units at Smethwick Galton Bridge, 17/03/14

I’m determined to get more practice with the camcorder and decided to leave the camera at home. It’s like starting all over again – all new shots which I wouldn’t take as “stills”. There was a wait of about 20 minutes for the train to Bescot so I filmed a few trains on the lower level, then on the way home I had to wait on the high level & filmed a few more. You’ll have to wait for all the Bescot shots as there are quite a few to sort through.

Link to videos

Nothing really great to show, but this is 172336 heading towards Stourbridge

Update 889. Videos of 2857, 7812, 43106 & DMU at Arley, 15/03/14

Another day of videos instead of photos, which I think makes a pleasant change – especially as I can show an image and link to the video from my existing galleries.  I need more practise at filming so expect quite a few more videos in the coming weeks.

Link to videos

Yes, the views are familiar, but it makes a change to see the trains move…..

7812 enters Arley


Update 888. Videos!!! 66137 & 66197 at Stourbridge Junction, 14/03/14

There is a way to embed YouTube videos in Coppermine galleries & I have just tried it – and it works! The above locos were seen this morning on the Round Oak trains, and 139001 is also seen in the second video.

Link to videos

66137 on the loaded steel train to Round Oak. An image taken from a video is never as clear as a normal photo!