At long last, he’s upgraded my Border Terrier Photo Gallery (says KC)

My Dad must be getting old, it has taken him nearly a week to upgrade the Coppermine photo gallery to the latest version.

Oy, KC – stop being cheeky! Dogs just don’t understand how complicated this can be. It has taken me a long time to make some alterations that will hopefully improve the gallery. As yet, I have not added my usual yellow background to much of the page, but it does show around the thumbnails in the filmstrip and around the “intermediate” image. One new feature is an arrow at the top & bottom of the fimstrip, enabling you to move up or down the thumbnails before you select a larger photo to view. Another feature is using the keyboard “arrows” (left arrow moves to previous image, right arrow to next image, down arrow switches file information on or off & finally the up arrow takes you up a level, which is from images to albums. Probably haven’t explained that very well, but give it a try.)

Finally, it should be possible to add comments again. I switched that off years ago, due to all the usual spam, but hopefully most of it will be filtered out, but I’ll see how that goes. Any rubbish that does get through is easy to delete.

Click the link & see how it looks!

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