Category Archives: Main line

Photos and Video, Units at Stafford part 2, 20/11/19 (old event)

More units filmed on the above date, it does get a bit repetitive but does help the time pass a bit quicker as I wait for the next freight. Interesting to try and get a “reasonable” photo from the video though.

Numbers seen in second video:- 220002, 390049, 220015, 221104, 350235, 350122, 390040, 350374, 350255, 390104, 390117, 390112, 220008, 390121, 220009, 350118 and 220025.

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Photos and Video, 139001 and 57312, Stourbridge Junction 14/02/20

Great start, 139001 approaches as 57312 rounds the bend, perfect timing. The train started at Tyseley and after running round at Stourbridge the 57 hauled the saloon to Round Oak, probably surveying the route in connection with improving the local rail services. My final clips are at Cradley Heath, I wanted to film from the other platform – but couldn’t risk it!! 172215 and 172343 also seen.


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Photos and Video, 37521 and 37688, Stourbridge 13/02/20

At last, something interesting round the Dark Side for a change, seems such a dead time of the year! 37521 went to Kidderminster to collect 37688 and take it to Crewe. As usual with me these days, a unit or two, don’t know how much longer the 153s will be in action in this area – so had to film them. As for the Dodger, I was hoping to film it then pan round as the 37 approached, but that didn’t work.

139001, 153334, 153356, 170511, 172213 and 172222 also seen

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Photos and Video, Units at Stafford part 1, 20/11/19 (old event)

First set of photos at Stafford. I’ve never kept a list of units that I’ve photographed but over the years it must’ve been all of the local ones. As I work my way through these I will try to update my “units” number lists but it will take a long take to work back through the last 15 years or more. Sounds like another winter project!

Units in this post:- 350255, 350130, 350240, 350109, 390118, 221139, 221120, 390008, 390148, 350264, 390042, 350232.

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Photos and Video, many locos, Stafford 20/11/19 (old event)

The video was uploaded back in December but I have only just cropped some photos to add to my gallery and will include them all in this blog post. Locos seen in the following order:-

60054, 66039, 68033, 66428, 66711, 70809, 88005, 88002, 66767, 68002, 88008, 66149, 66074, 66566, 37601, 68001, 68005 and 66056. Also DR73121.

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Photos and Video, 60054, Smethwick GB 20/11/19 (old event)

Stopped off here briefly on the way to Stafford and saw the Wolves – Immingham empty steel, also 350115, 350107 and 158832 passed by. 60054 is the first clip in the link below, which also includes all the locos seen at Stafford and listed in another post.

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Photos and Video, 68015, 57305, 68013 and 66549, Dorridge 06/02/20

After seeing the Class 60 at Smethwick (in previous post) I headed for Dorridge. The train behind mine would have a 68 and I had time to stop off at Solihull to film the 68 and still hopefully get to Dorridge in time to see 57305 pass through – better shot at Dorridge for that, and a 68 pulling away always sounds good. Besides the locos, 172337 and 165002 were also seen.

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Photos and Video, 60074, Smethwick GB 06/02/20

The usual 6E08 Wolves – Immingham plus 170507, 170514 and 350118. The 60 was the last train seen, but I usually put the loco as the first clip in the video.

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Photos and Video, 37800, 319376 and 319382, Stourbridge 19/11/19 (old event)

An Allerton to Long Marston stock move, one not to miss.

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Photos and Video, 67004 & 67006 etc. Kidderminster 16/11/19 (old event)

A railtour from London arrives at the Severn Valley Railway behind 67004 and 67006. Other locos seen are 34027, 7714 and 6960, not forgetting 172217 trundling past.

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Photos and Video, 68003 and 88010, Stourbridge 15/11/19 (old event)

I noticed an 88 was on the Berkeley and decided to see it down the Junction, as it would be a better shot than Cradley. Arriving at Cradley a 153 approached with a blue liveried unit behind it, so I filmed that – 153366 and 153326, with 170510. Then at Stourbridge I was hoping a unit would clear before the Berkeley came through, fortunately 172336 cleared in plenty of time as the locos approached

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Photos and Video, 60063 Smethwick, 60163 Wolverhampton 02/11/19 (old event)

To Wolverhampton first to see Tornado, plus a few units of course, then the Tug at SGB on the way home. Units seen are 158838, 170508, 170504, 220020 and 350372

Link to Tornado YouTube video or link to all photos in gallery.
Link to Tug YouTube video

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