No service trains were running on this day, but 7812 & 34053 were in action. We visited Arley Arboretum and saw the trains in the distance.
It’s a long shot across the valley, 34053 heading towards Bridgnorth
No service trains were running on this day, but 7812 & 34053 were in action. We visited Arley Arboretum and saw the trains in the distance.
It’s a long shot across the valley, 34053 heading towards Bridgnorth
We had booked for a meal on the Venturer and as it was members & shareholders weekend the workshops at Bridgnorth were open for visitors. We waited for our train to be shunted into platform 1 after the Limited had departed, so there was not very much time to have a wander around, but I did take a couple of photos. Almost forgot, the loco on our train was 2857.
I think the last time I photographed 75069 was in 2002, when it carried the number 75072 during the S&D weekend, it wasn’t in working order though.