Not the usual “KC Christmas card” for 2020

2020 has not been a good year, for many reasons, and for KC it was her last one. Her final trip to the vet was on August 17th, but a couple of weeks later I had to call in there again to collect “her”! We had arranged for her to be cremated and she was coming home as a “memory bear”! She will always be with us and now sits with the other teds, suppose you might say we couldn’t “bear” to be without her!! She is the biggest of the bears on the card.

This won’t be the sort of Christmas any of us are used to, but let’s make the most of it.


2 thoughts on “Not the usual “KC Christmas card” for 2020

  1. Sharpo Post author

    Thanks, and to you two as well. We can always live in hope for 2021, although it won’t start off well with another lockdown not far away.

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