Daily Archives: March 30, 2020

Donating half my YouTube ad revenue to SVR urgent appeal, you can help!!

Due to the Coronavirus epidemic, the Severn Valley Railway, along with all other preserved railways, have had to suspend all services for the coming months. To help, admittedly in a small way, I will donate half my ad revenue. The last 3 weeks generated about £10 but with no filming possible in the coming months there will be no new videos. I have uploaded about 4,000 videos in the last 6 years and it is always interesting to see which videos people are viewing, so I will show the most popular videos over the last 48 hours. To be honest, I have forgotten the content of most of them, but it does bring back memories for me.

If you spend some time watching the events I filmed – some of which you may have attended, you will be helping generate some revenue. Hopefully the ads aren’t too annoying, there shouldn’t be any that you can’t remove within a few seconds. Anyway, hope you find something interesting to watch. Will list the “most viewed” videos on a regular basis, if you can’t locate them, or want to know links to events I might’ve filmed – then just ask.