Monthly Archives: November 2009

Started on photo list of SVR stock

Something different, rolling stock photos included in the blog pages.

The photos are already in the gallery, but appear all over the place, having been taken at various times during the past 7 years. I thought it was time to try and create a photo list of the stock on the Railway, in numerical order.

I’ve started on coaching stock, by region/group – GWR, LMS, LNER & BR.

Locos & goods wagons will follow, but don’t ask when!

SVR 1st November

Only out very briefly today, due to heavy rain this morning. Same 4 locos again – 60163, 1744, 42968 & 7812.

60163 was leaving Arley as we were driving down by the river, running about 10 late. 1744 was on the Highley local, 42968 & 7812 were on the next trains that crossed – then we went home.