Daily Archives: January 12, 2018

“On This Day” (years ago) Jan 12th. 2009 & 2013

I couldn’t find an SVR photo for this date in any year, other subjects also limited. The best I could do at Longbridge was an HST, it seems the train I went to see didn’t run! Looking back, 47727 was supposedly running from Rugby – Westerleigh. Oh, cheer up, it ran 3 days later, you’ll have to wait 3 days to see it!! No proper album for the HST shot

43378 Longbridge. 12/01/09

This day in 2013 wasn’t very productive either, a Pathfinder tour at Smethwick Galton Bridge, just 3 photos in the album.

37611 & 37259 Smethwick Galton Bridge. 12/01/13