For several years now I have written an Android app to show the SVR timetable on my mobile. The one for this year is finished and as far as I can tell is correct. I have uploaded two videos of it in action, one showing it on a tablet, displaying each of the 12 months and the blue and yellow timetables, which show train times for all except special events.
The second video using my old mobile (with no sim card) showing a brief display of the timetable before moving on to the options available with an internet connection – such as the SVRA forum, SVR web site, live departures from Kidderminster main line station etc. Free WiFi is more widely available now so a mobile with no sim card does have its uses, so don’t chuck out the old ‘phone! When I am sure there are no errors I will upload it to Google playstore and you will be able to download it for free. Continue reading